Background check certificate procedure during the state of emergency

17. 3. 2020

For the duration of the state of emergency declared by the Government of the Czech Republic, the background check certificate procedure will be governed by the following rules:

  1. The opening hours for public are restricted to Monday and Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00. The building will be closed for public outside these hours.
    1. Citizens of the Czech Republic may use the box outside the building to file their application form at any time. They may also submit their application via postal services or data box.
    1. Citizens of a foreign country may submit their application as usual. We kindly ask you to enter the building individually and while waiting outside, please keep distance between each other.
    1. Regardless the method of delivery of the documents you selected, the CAA CZ will be delivering documents to data boxes and via postal services only. No documents will be delivered in person. We advise you to double check your contact address while filling out the form.
    1. In case you have any questions or requests, please contact us by email or phone.
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Autor stránky: Oddělení bezpečnostní

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Vaším podnětem se bude zabývat: Oddělení bezpečnostní