
The Civil Aviation Authority switches its email communication to a new domain:

In connection with the project to migrate central government authorities to the unified domain (Government Resolution No. 578 on the migration schedule), we would like to inform you about a change in the email address format at the CAA.

Konec výpadku webových stránek

Vážení klienti,

stránky ÚCL včetně jednotlivých portálů (drony, ověřování spolehlivosti, letecký rejstřík) nebyly od 27. 2. večer do 28. 2. (cca 9:30) dostupné. Nyní jsou však již všechny weby funkční. Za vzniklé komplikace se omlouváme.

Dear clients,

The CAA websites, including web portals (drones, background check certifications, aviation register), were not available from the evening of February 27th until February 28th (approximately 9:30 AM). However, all websites are now operational. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Change of the background check process

With regards the amendment of the Act on Civil Aviation, which becomes effective from January 1, 2023, the process of the background check certificates is subject to change. Background check certificates issued after January 1, 2023 are valid for 1 year (thereby the distinction between the standard and thorough background check is abolished). Detailed information pertaining to the validity of the certificates issued in the past as well as the administrative procedure can be found at a following link:

Opening hours

Dear clients, kindly note that the opening hours of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic during Christmas holidays are changed. On the 23rd of December and the 30th of December 2022 the CAA CZ is open until 12pm.

Apart from the above-mentioned, the opening hours of the CAA CZ remain unchanged.

Thank you for your understanding and we wish you a merry Christmas and best wishes for 2023.

Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic

Building closure on the 7th December 2022

Kindly note that the Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic will be closed on the 7th of December 2022. Theoretical examinations will be held as scheduled.

Registry will be open .

Thank you for your understanding.

Statement of the Civil Aviation Authority on cases of drones approaching aircraft and laser attacks

The Civil Aviation Authority has recently recorded an increase in the number of reported incidents in which the protection zones of airports have been violated by flying drones and aircraft have been hit by laser beams. In one case, a collision between a helicopter and a drone was even reported. The situation is alarming and the Civil Aviation Authority considers it necessary to comment on this situation.