Continuing airworthiness management system for aircraft not involved in commercial air transport after 28 September 2009

I. Generally – regulatory requirements

From 28 September 2009, continuing airworthiness of aircraft not involved in commercial air transport, the type certificate of which was transferred under EASA responsibility (the type certificate is issued by EASA in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003), will be managed only in accordance with Annex 1 (Part-M) to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003, as amended. Information relating to Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 may be found here (in Czech only) and Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to this regulation are here NEPLATNÝ LINK (in Czech only).

Annex 1 (Part-M) to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 is not applied to aircraft listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European parliament and of the Council (Annex II aircraft). Continuing airworthiness of these aircraft is managed only in accordance with national requirements.

II. Information for aircraft operators/owners that are holders of an Aerial work approval

1. Continuing airworthiness management system:

When an operator is approved for commercial operation other than commercial air transport (aerial work), the operator shall (in accordance with Part-M (M.A.201(i)(1)):

(a) be appropriately approved, pursuant to M.A. Subpart G, for the management of the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft the operator operates; or

(b) contract such an organisation.

Note: Contract (agreement) between operator/owner and M.A. Subpart G organization shall be made in accordance with Appendix I to Part-M.

Continued validity of the Aerial work approval is dependent upon compliance with M.A.201(i) requirements.

2. Manuals and documentation

(a) When an operator is approved under M.A. Subpart G, the operator shall develop following manuals and documentation (these manuals and documentation shall be approved by the CAA CZ):

  • Continuing airworthiness management exposition (CAME) – in accordance with M.A. 704; and
  • Maintenance programme

Note: In this case CAME substitutes Operator’s maintenance control manual required by the national regulation L 6/I (L 6/III).

(b) When an operator contracts organization approved under M.A. Subpart G, the operator shall develop following manuals and documentation (these manuals and documentation shall be approved by the CAA CZ):

  • Modified maintenance control manual required by the national regulation L 6/I (L 6/III).
  • Maintenance programme

Note 1: „Modified maintenance control manual“ means that an operator shall establish within the organization a person responsible for ensuring of conformity with agreement between the operator and the M.A. Subpart G organization. The operator shall also develop (or modify) procedures following from the agreement.

Note 2: Development and subsequent approval of the maintenance programme is responsibility of the M.A. Subpart G organization.

III. Information for aircraft operators/owners that are not holders of an Aerial work approval

1. Continuing airworthiness management system:

Continuing airworthiness shall be managed in accordance with Part-M.

When an operator is not approved for commercial operation other than commercial air transport (aerial work):

(a) the operator may manage continuing airworthiness of own aircraft (excluding aeroplanes with MTOM of more than 5700 kg and multi-engined helicopters) under the operator’s own responsibility; or

(b) the operator may contract tasks associated with continuing airworthiness management to an approved M.A. Subpart G organization.

Note: Contract (agreement) between operator/owner and M.A. Subpart G organization shall be made in accordance with Appendix I to Part-M.

2. Manuals and documentation

  • Maintenance programme

Note: In accordance with Part-M, M.A.201(e)(i) the operator/owner may conclude partial contract with approved M.A. Subpart-G organization for the development of the maintenance programme. In this case the development and subsequent approval of the maintenance programme is the responsibility of the M.A. Subpart G organization.

IV. Maintenance programme – additional information

(a) A maintenance programme shall be developed for each aircraft.

(b) Maintenance programmes that are currently part of the Operator’s maintenance control manual shall be replaced with individual maintenance programmes developed in accordance with Part-M, M.A.302 after 28th September 2009.

(c) A maintenance programme may be developed for particular aircraft or for group of aircraft.

(d) A maintenance programme shall be approved by the CAA CZ.

(e) Operator/owner of an aircraft not involved in commercial air transport may use, for development of the maintenance programme, the following forms of the Technical Division:

  • CAA/F-ST-177-0/09 – for development of a maintenance programme for a particular aircraft, the continuing airworthiness of which is not managed by the approved M.A. Subpart-G organization.
  • CAA/F-ST-178-0/09 – for development of a maintenance programme for a particular aircraft, the continuing airworthiness of which is managed by the approved M.A. Subpart-G organization.
  • CAAF-ST-179-009 – for development of a maintenance programme for a group of aircraft, the continuing airworthiness of which is managed by the approved M.A. Subpart-G organization.

Note: All forms contain instructions for their completion.

All forms of the Technical Division may be found here.

V. Exemptions

When a continuing airworthiness management system or a maintenance programme approved by the CAA CZ in accordance with particular Part-M requirements is not implemented by the operator/owner after 28th September 2009, the operator/owner may apply to the CAA CZ for an exemption. Such an exemption may be granted for a maximum duration of two months.

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