Administrative fees

Payment of administrative fees

The Act No. 634/2004 Coll., on Administrative Fees, as amended (hereinafter „the Act“), governs the obligation of an applicant to pay administrative fees for the submission of an application and respective duties of the Civil Aviation Authority Czech Republic (hereinafter „the CAA CZ“) in this regard.

Annex to the Act specifies the exact amount of the administrative fee collected by the CAA CZ.

Collection of the fees

The fees are collected pursuant to the Article 6 of the Act via:

  • Online payment through the ČSOB bank payment gateway. When submitting an online application, the applicant is redirected automatically. Otherwise, the document “Assessment of the administrative fee” is sent to the applicant, which contains a unique link to the payment gateway. All you have to do is state the card data and confirm the payment;
  • Bank transfer (The applicant is obliged to use the variable symbol, which will be provided to him not earlier than upon submitting his application. The variable symbol is unique and will be sent to the applicant via e-mail and/or SMS;
  • In cash (for the amount up to 5 000 CZK). The cashier is located on the ground floor in the building of the CAA CZ;
  • Credit/debit card. The cashier is located on the ground floor in the building of the CAA CZ;

For the payments from foreign countries, the following bank account details shall be used:

IBAN: CZ48 0710 0037 1100 0372 7061

Payments for multiple or repetitive actions

Should the applicant request multiple or repetitive actions to be taken by the CAA CZ, which are subject to individual administrative fees according to the Annex to the Act, each payment shall be issued individually.

Payment return

Administrative fees cannot be paid in advance without a relevant request having been submitted. Such an administrative fee will be returned to the applicant subject to his request for return.

Similarly, the fee will be returned in the following cases:

  • the action requested from the CAA was not carried out;
  • the applicant paid an administrative fee in the amount not established in the Annex to the Act;
  • the administrative fee was paid by the person which is not subject to such obligation

In the cases when the applicant paid more than established by the Annex to the Act, the exceeding amount will be returned to the applicant, should the applicant request it.

We kindly ask all applicants to submit their requests for the return of the payment or return of the amount exceeding the administrative fee established by the Annex to the Act to submit their request via e-mail to the following address: or

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