Unmanned Aircraft

Since 31st December 2020 the common European regulatory framework for unmanned aircraft systems UAS is implemented in the Czech Republic. For more information on the common EU framework please visit https://www.easa.europa.eu/domains/civil-drones.

For cross-border operation according to Article 13 of the Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019, as amended, please use the following application form:

Application for a cross-border UAS operation in the ‘specific’ category

Please be aware, that for all UAS operated in the Czech republic, regardless of the purpose of use (Recreational and Sport Flying/Aerial Work/Corporate Flights), special operational conditions apply (airspace limitations, geographical zones). The corresponding general measure, by which a LKR10-UAS Restricted Area covering the area of the Czech Republic has been established as a transitional measure, is available here:
General Measure LKR10–UAS (English working translation)

We would like to draw you attention especially to the requirement to observe a safe distance during flight from a congested area (significantly limiting the possibility to operate an aircraft in a city), from people, vehicles and construction, from airports, from other air traffic and environmentally protected areas. Practical possibilities of UAS operation in the “OPEN” category in the congested area are limited – please refer to abovementioned measure (Section I (2)(f), Congested area). In this context, we would also like to point out the need to respect privacy rights and to protect personal data of uninvolved people.

Operation within restricted/prohibited airspace zones is generally prohibited. The zones can be seen on the following website: https://dronview.rlp.cz/. Operation of unmanned aircraft in Prague for example would most probably collide with LKR9 Restricted Area (area covering most of Prague) and possibly with LKP1 Prohibited Area (area around Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Vltava river).

Comprehensive and up-to-date information on unmanned aircraft issues is available on the Civil Aviation Authority (hereinafter referred to as “CAA-CZ”) website https://www.caa.cz/provoz/bezpilotni-letadla/. This information is available in the Czech language only as it is subject to frequent updates. Thank you for your understanding.

Note: Please be aware that by committing an offence against the Act No 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation and amending Act No 455/1991 Coll., on trade licensing (Trade Licensing Act) as amended, as amended you may be facing a penalty up to 5 000 000 CZK if processed in an administrative proceeding.


For information in this area, please contact the competent manager.

In case of any confusion or a problem, please leave us a message here
Site author: Aeronautical Operations Division

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Your complaint will be dealt with by: Aeronautical Operations Division