
1. 6. 2021

Theoretical Knowledge Examinations

Since May 1st 2021 the theoretical knowledge examinations of pilots go on in due dates published at the CAA CZ website.

29. 3. 2021

Cancellation of the examinations of theoretical knowledge

The ATPL / CPL / IR / EIR examinations of theoretical knowledge planned to April 06 to 22, 2021 have been cancelled due to current pandemic situation.

23. 3. 2021

Cancellation of the examinations of theoretical knowledge

The PPL / LAPL theoretical knowledge examinations planned to March 29, 30 and 31, 2021 have been cancelled due to current pandemic situation. Information whether the theoretical knowledge examinations planned to April 2021 take place will be published within several days.

2. 3. 2021

Cancellation of the examinations of theoretical knowledge

Due to the latest measures adopted by the Government of the Czech Republic aimed at the mitigation of the risk of the Covid-19 pandemic, the theoretical knowledge examinations provided by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic are cancelled starting from the 8 March 2021 until the 25 March 2021.

24. 11. 2020

Recovery of pilot theoretical knowledge examinations

Recovery of examinations: From 01.12.2020 CAA CZ recovers theoretical knowledge examinations of pilots in accordance with lift-up of extraordinary measures against spread of the Covid pandemic.

1. 9. 2020

ANNOUNCEMENT (effective 1st of September 2020)

Kindly note that effective 1st of September 2020 until further notice, all persons entering the premises of the Civil Aviation Authority Czech Republic that are specifically designated for public are obliged to wear a mask or face covering during the opening hours. We kindly ask you to follow the standard hygienic rules and maintain a […]

3. 8. 2020

Exemption from Requirements on Theoretical Examinations

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic (CAA CZ) grants an exemption (the Exemption) from Part-FCL.025 requirements of the EU 1178/2011 regulation (Aircrew Regulation) according to the article 71 (1) of the EU 2018/1139 regulation (Basic Regulation) valid for theoretical examinations at CAA CZ.      

22. 5. 2020

Extra dates of the ATPL, CPL, IR and EIR theoretical examinations

CAA CZ makes available extra dates of the ATPL, CPL, IR and EIR theoretical examinations on 07.07. to 09.07. and on 17.08. to 20.08.2020, see The Examination Dates in 2020. Applicants can log on these extra dates through the CAA CZ website since Friday 22.05.2020.

30. 4. 2020

Recovery of theoretical examinations at CAA CZ

CAA CZ in accordance with conditions of governmental lift-up of extraordinary measures against spread of the COVID-19 infection prepares recovery of theoretical knowledge examinations (Theoretical Examinations) under the following conditions:

21. 4. 2020

Update – COVID19

Kindly note that effective 20th April 2020 the opening hours of the Civil Aviation Authority Czech Republic („CAA CZ“) have been resumed. We kindly ask you to enter the building individually and to keep a safety distance between each other at least 2 m.

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