
17. 3. 2020

Announcement for passengers – cancellation of flights from the 5th of March 2020 until present

Dear passengers, With regards to the cancellations of flights from the 5th of March until further notice as a consequence of measures adopted by the Government of the Czech Republic, we would like to inform you that the CAA Czech Republic does not intent to enforce against the air carriers the compensation pursuant to the […]

10. 3. 2020

Announcement of the CAA Director on the suspension of the theoretical examinations

Taking into account the measures adopted by the Ministry of Health Services, Announcement of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior and in order to secure continuous operations of the CAA Czech Republic, I have decided to suspend the examinations of the theoretical knowledge of pilots. The exams scheduled on 11.3.2020 – […]

2. 1. 2020

Information for holders of the Background Check Certificates which are about to expire in 2020

We would like to inform the holders of the Background Check Certificates (Certificates) which are about to expire in 2020, that the submission of requests for new Certificates is allowed no more than 3 months prior to the expiration of the Certificate which is currently valid. Forms submitted more than 3 months in advance will […]

29. 10. 2019

Publication of the Performance plan of the Czech Republic for the third reference period (2020-2024) draft

Air Navigation Services Department of the CAA Czech Republic would like to inform airspace users about publication Performance plan of the Czech Republic for the third reference period (2020-2024) draft in accordance with point c) Art. 38 of COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/317 of 11 February 2019 laying down a performance and charging scheme in […]

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