Announcement for passengers – cancellation of flights from the 5th of March 2020 until present

17. 3. 2020

Dear passengers,

With regards to the cancellations of flights from the 5th of March until further notice as a consequence of measures adopted by the Government of the Czech Republic, we would like to inform you that the CAA Czech Republic does not intent to enforce against the air carriers the compensation pursuant to the Article 7 of the Regulation 261/2004.

The air carrier is obliged to reimburse the passengers, but due to the existence of the extraordinary circumstance, the CAA Czech Republic takes the stand that the air carrier is not obliged to pay the compensation.

We kindly ask the passengers to remain calm. We are aware that the customer service of multiple air carriers is not working properly these days, however we recommend that you wait for a few more weeks until the situation will be settled and then approach the air carrier with your request.

We would also like to inform the passengers about the possibility to file their claim with the respective court.

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Autor stránky: Oddělení bezpečnostní

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